what features does a girl like in a guy

What Features Does A Girl Like In A Guy (What women REALLY want in a guy)

So you want to know how to snag yourself a girlfriend?

It’s not all about looks, my friend. In fact, personality traits such as kindness, intelligence, and supportiveness are some of the most highly sought-after traits in a potential mate.

Work on your personality – start becoming the kind of guy that women love!

Check out the full article for more information on how to improve your chances with the ladies.

It’s no secret that girls look for different things in a guy than guys look for in a girl. While physical attractiveness is certainly important, it’s not the only thing that girls look for in a partner. In fact, kindness, intelligence, and supportiveness are some of the most highly sought-after traits in a potential mate. So if you’re looking to snag yourself a girlfriend, start working on your personality!

  • Personality traits such as kindness, intelligence, and supportiveness are very important to women when looking for a partner. 
  • Attractiveness traits such as an attractive body come secondary to personality. 
  • Only 22.3% of women think an attractive body is very important.

1. What do girls look for in a guy

When it comes to finding a partner, women value kindness above all else. After all, being in a relationship with a kind man means never having to worry about being treated with disrespect or feeling like you’re not valued.

A kind man is also someone who is likely to be patient, understanding, and supportive – all qualities that are essential for any lasting relationship.

So if you’re looking to attract the attention of a woman, make sure that you focus on being kind. It may not seem like the most obvious trait, but it’s one that will definitely pay off in the long run.

2. Kindness is the most important trait

When it comes to finding a partner, there are many different things that a woman might be looking for.

However, one of the most important traits to consider is kindness.

A kind man will always be supportive and understanding, even when times are tough. A kind man will be there for you when you need them, and they will always try to make things just a little bit better.

In addition, a kind partner will never try to put you down or make you feel bad about yourself. Instead, they will always try to build you up and help you reach your full potential.

So, if you’re a woman looking for a lifelong partner, make sure to keep an eye out for someone who is kind, and for the men, be kind because, in the end, kindness is the most important trait women are looking for.

3. Attractiveness comes second

When it comes to physical features, an attractive smile is more important than everything else (including genitals) when women are looking for men. An attractive smile and attractive eyes were the most important physical features sought in a long-term partner by both heterosexual and homosexual women.

The next most important physical feature was an average-sized penis for heterosexual women, which was considerably more desirable than a large penis.

Women with more sexual experience were more likely to place higher importance on penis size. Short hair, large hands, an attractive back, muscular arms, and facial hair were the next physical features most frequently selected as desirable.

4. Intelligence and supportiveness are also important

When it comes to finding a partner, there are certain qualities that most women look for. Of course, physical attractiveness is always important, but it’s not the only thing that matters. Intelligence and supportiveness are also important for women in a guy.

A woman wants to know that her man is intelligent enough to keep up with her and supportive enough to be there for her when she needs him.

He should also be someone who is honest and trustworthy – after all, a relationship is built on mutual respect and understanding.

So, if you’re looking to attract the attention of a woman, make sure you focus on honing all of these qualities. They’re sure to give you the best chance at success.

5. Work on your personality

When it comes to finding a partner, there are a lot of things that go into the decision.

However, one of the most important things that many people look for is a kind personality. After all, relationships are built on trust and respect, and being kind is essential for both of those things. If you’re looking to make yourself more attractive to potential partners, then working on your personality is a great place to start.

Here are some things you can do to be kinder and more compassionate:

• Show patience with others, even when they’re frustrating you.

• Make an effort to understand other people’s perspectives, even if you don’t agree with them.

• Be thoughtful about how your words and actions will affect others.

• Give compliments freely and genuine praise when it’s deserved.

Seek out opportunities to help others, even if it’s just in small ways.


You might not think that your personality matters when it comes to attracting women, but you couldn’t be more wrong.

Studies have shown again and again that women value personality traits like kindness, intelligence, and humor far more than they value physical appearance.

In other words, if you want to attract women, it’s important to focus on being the best version of yourself.

Luckily, personality is something that you can work on. If you’re not naturally outgoing, practice making small talk with strangers. If you’re shy, work on speaking up in group situations. And if you’re not naturally funny, try studying jokes and learning how to tell them in a way that makes people laugh.

By making an effort to improve your personality, you’ll be surprised at how much more success you’ll have with women.

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